HOUSE #2504
34'x44' approx. 1,384 square feet
2BD, 1BA
Large kitchen, dining room, and living room
Siding on house is in very good shape - steel
Needs new windows, and carpeting
Stairwell for basement access
Attic access space
*Detached garage $10,000 (with house, not currently for sale separately)
$35,000 plus $80/mi. PLUS UTILITY LINES per mile from Paynesville
2BD, 1BA
Large kitchen, dining room, and living room
Siding on house is in very good shape - steel
Needs new windows, and carpeting
Stairwell for basement access
Attic access space
*Detached garage $10,000 (with house, not currently for sale separately)
$35,000 plus $80/mi. PLUS UTILITY LINES per mile from Paynesville